Senate Republican Leader John Curran renews commitment to saving Invest in Kids

Illinois Senate Republican Leader John Curran (R-Downers Grove) released the following statement on Saving Illinois Tax Credit Scholarships

“All Illinois children, regardless of their parents’ bank accounts or connections, deserve access to the best quality education possible to fit their individual needs. This access has been increased for over 9,000 lower-income families in Illinois through private donations in the Invest in Kids Scholarship program. The innocent children receiving these life-changing scholarships, and the thousands more on the waitlist, should not be caught in the middle of political or ideological fights, but instead should be given the certainty of a permanent program so they can continue to excel in their family’s school of choice. The Senate Republicans are united in our commitment to making permanent the Invest in Kids program this coming Veto Session, and will continue to prioritize empowering lower income parents to make the best educational choices for their children.”

John Curran

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