Coronavirus update 5-13

Governor’s Office Daily COVID-19 Q & A
May 13, 2020

Restore Illinois
Q: Can the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) give further clarification on how the regions were developed in the Restore Illinois plan and how the IDPH Districts will factor into the plan (if at all)?
A: IDPH has 11 Emergency Medical Services Regions that have traditionally guided its statewide public health work. For the purposes of the Restore Illinois plan, from those 11, four health regions were established: Northeast Illinois, North-Central Illinois, Central Illinois and Southern Illinois.
To learn more about the development and implementation of the Restore Illinois plan, we encourage you to visit the plan here

Q: Per the Restore Illinois plan, where will IDPH be posting the case positivity rates by region? Will you have a single page dashboard where residents can track progress easily?
A: Yes, please see the web link for more information regarding positivity rates by region

Q: When can cinema and theaters open?
A: According to the Restore Illinois plan, cinemas and theaters can open in Phase 4 with capacity limits and IDPH approved safety guidance. Please continue to check the DPH website to determine which phase your region is in

John Curran

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