Senate Republicans join suburban police chiefs for discussion on legislation to increase penalties for fleeing and eluding law enforcement and strengthen detention standards for domestic abusers

Illinois Senate Republican Leader John Curran (R-Downers Grove), State Senator Seth Lewis (R-Bartlett), Lemont Chief of Police and President of the Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police Marc Maton and Naperville Chief of Police Jason Arres gathered at the Illinois State Capitol today to discuss Senate Bill 1807 that increases penalties for fleeing and eluding law enforcement in Illinois from a Class A misdemeanor to a Class 4 Felony to better protect law enforcement, the public and hold offenders accountable. Leader Curran also discussed new legislation he will be introducing to change the presumption on domestic violence cases with bodily injury to a presumption to detain, sending an unequivocal message that the State of Illinois will hold violent domestic abusers accountable and prevent victims, mostly women and children, from retaliation and further harm. 

You can download the press conference and and videos of fleeing and eluding provided by law enforcement at the link below.

John Curran

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